Remove new line from title tag created dynamically

Task:  Remove extra new line from dynamically created title tag 

Description: Remove extra new line from dynamically created title tag.  As previously we created Title tag (Title of page) using code (Link) for SEO purpose. There is a little issue with Title tag, It takes extra new line but in SEO we want to remove this new line. we can use this in Master Page so that we needn't to rewrite it for every page.

using System.Reflection;
public static void InitializeTitleTag()
    Type type = typeof(HtmlTextWriter);
    FieldInfo field = type.GetField("_tagNameLookupArray", BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.NonPublic);
    Array lookup = (Array)field.GetValue(null);
    int index = (int)HtmlTextWriterTag.Title;
    object value = lookup.GetValue(index);
    type = value.GetType();
    field = type.GetField("tagType");
    field.SetValue(value, 0);
    lookup.SetValue(value, index);



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